Frequently asked questions
Once appointed the survey will be booked at the earliest opportunity with the Vendor or Estate agent. Once the physical survey is complete you will receive the report by e-mail as a .pdf file within 3 working days.
All Surveys are carried out and written up by a full member of the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors).
Absolutely, Katoli are fully aware that the Survey is for you to understand the building and make an informed decision. We prefer that the actual Surveyor has a discussion with you before the Survey in order to identify any concerns.
Absolutely, if specifically requested the report can comment on the potential of a Loft Conversion project or Extension. This will not in any way ensure that you will receive planning approval but just comment on the capability of the building to receive these works.
Once you have had an opportunity to read the Survey you will be able to discuss the survey with the Surveyor that carried out the survey by mail and or telephone.
No Katoli do not carry out Valuations.
No. These are specialist areas and should be inspected by a suitably qualified engineer. However there will be a visual inspection of the services and a condition rating and advice provided. We are not qualified to test services.